
Tomorrow is The Big Day

Today is wonderful! Why? Well, because today is the day before my birthday. Yep, I'm one of those people. It's funny - Kevin asked me if I was excited for my race. I said, "What? My track race? I guess so." And he returns with, "Um, no ...." Oh yeah! My Half-Ironman this weekend. I can't think of anything past by birthday.

I don't really know why I love my birthday so much. When I really think about it, it isn't all that exciting. I guess I just am happy to have a mini-holiday to celebrate me. Every 365 days.

Well, today I swam 2,100 yards, and later found out that distance is just 12 yards shy of the 1.2 miles I will be required to swim on Sunday. I did a 300-yard warm up followed by a 1,600-yard long set and closed with a 200-yard cool down. My main set took me exactly 30 minutes.

I'm hoping that means that I can exit the water this weekend in approx. 45 minutes. You never know what will happen when it comes to open water ... all that bumping and flailing. I'm also a bit nervous that the starting waves are so close together and some of the really fast age groups will start after me, which hasn't really happened before. I have to keep reminding myself that pacing will be key and that I'm out there to do my own race, nobody else's.

Just a few more days til the big race! And just a little over an hour until my special day!

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