
Now, a Word from Our Sponsor

Hooray! So, my bike team just picked up a new sponsor, Clif, and I could not be more excited.

All of last race season, I lived off of Clif Shot Bloks, which I swear, were designed just for me. They are easy to carry, easy to digest, and easy to eat. I tried to do the whole GU shot thing when I trained for my first half-marathon, and I'm just not coordinated enough to eat them. I open them up and get sticky stuff everywhere—all over my hands, my face, and yes, even in my hair. No thank you.

So, when I discovered the Bloks, I was really excited. No more stickiness! Before I was proficient in pulling them out of my cycling pockets, I would stick them on my bike frame. During my half-Ironman run and my marathon, I stuck a few tubes of them in my sports bra for easy access.

Also, I am accustomed to eating 2 protein bars for breakfast on race days. The have been Kashi 'Go Lean' Bars, but for 2010, I'm looking forward to finding the right Clif product for me.

Thank you, Clif, for your sponsorship!!

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